We shared some of these on Facebook, but here are a few photos from The Pourhouse in Minneapolis last month.
In addition, the Target crew has created a couple of videos, which are linked below and can also be found on the photo gallery page. If you're interested in creating a video message for Kirk, there's a YouTube station set up called "Kirk Ingram" and you can send your videos to Molly Firnstahl (molly.firnstahl@target.com) or Jordy Anderson (jordy.anderson@target.com) to be uploaded to the channel.
Thanks to the great ideas provided by the Target team, there's also a list of motivational books and resources on spinal cord injuries on the NEW "Resources" page. Check it out if you're interested in learning more about Kirk's injury and technological advances in the field. The links to Kirk's specific resources, such as the CaringBridge website, Go Fund Me page, etc. have also been moved here.
THANK YOU to Target and all of Kirk's coworkers, for your continued support!
Target is a great place to work because of the people truly. The most influential person at Target for me has been Kirk and will continue to be so. So Kirk, a big THANK YOU to you.