Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Email Recap

As many of you know, we created an email address for Kirk's journey, so that everyone can send pictures and videos to Kirk to make him laugh, encourage him, or just to say hi.  Since we're just getting this site up and running, here's a recap of some we've received so far:

August 7, 2015
Bryan Ludwig: "Took #teamkirk to the diamond last night in Blaine! Praying for you buddy!"

August 9, 2015
Steve and Becky Pallas:  "Kirk, you know we have always loved and adored you like you were our own child. We have been praying for you non-stop since your mom told us about your accident. Here’s to your full recovery! Attached are a few old photos we thought you’d enjoy."

Hailey Pearson and Steve Englund:  "Just wanted to let you know that it was wonderful visiting you today. Both Stephen and I loved spending time with you! We feel truly honored that we were able to see you and that we get to call you our friend. Little secret for favorite part of visiting you is getting to give you a kiss on the forehead (at your request, of course.)

This afternoon I had a bridal shower at Sarah Ball's house. It was great getting to see friends and family. I asked everyone there to pray for you and your family and the niece's (Lauryn - 8, Camryn - 6, Alexa - 4) made you some #TeamKirk signs.

Some familiar faces I'm sure - Gwen Englund, Lynn Pien, Carla Wolf, Renee Saunders, Sarah Ball, Becca Ketchum, Erin Englund, to name a few. They are all praying for you and believing in the power of the Lord to strengthen you. You are loved by so many and you have touched so many lives.

​Keep fighting bud and know that we love you! XOXO"

August 10, 2015
Haley Pearson:  "Just wanted to share another little story with you... Yesterday I asked Stephen's niece Camryn (6 years old) to write out "#TeamKirk" on a white piece of computer paper. The only thing I told her was that a friend of Uncle Stephen's and I was in a serious accident and that's why we were making the signs. She actually did an amazing job writing it though it was a little plain. So, I ask her to decorate it. She started drawing a star and then looked up at me and said "You know, stars are for miracles." She has no idea what happened and she still believes in a miracle. Here's her work..."

August 11, 2015
The Helgasons:  "Said a little prayer for you in the largest Lutheran church in Iceland! Hoping things continue to improve! Keep fighting Kirk!!  #TeamKirk #BrickByBrick"

August 12, 2015
Meg Burns: "Little cousin Kirky - I was so sorry and saddened to hear about your accident. Most of the time it still doesn't seem real but know I am thinking of you often and sending hugs, kisses, prayers, and good vibes towards your recovery. A quote that a family of a patient shared with me once was:

"Fate is a funny creature. She puts obstacles in your path to see what kind of character you have. Life isn't fair, life is a test of character."

I truly think if anyone has the character to overcome this obstacle it is you. Reading your Caring Bridge, talking with my dad and hearing how well you are dealing with everything is so amazing--though unsurprising-- and I am ridiculously proud of you.

I know we didn't get a chance to see each other when I was in MN last month, but please know I think Alexa is so beautiful and I can't wait to meet her. I am planning to be home for Christmas this year (finally) and will 100% be seeing you then. Maybe Grandma will make super cheesy pajamas for Alexa like she used to for all of us ;)

Love and missing you lots"

August 14, 2015
Scott Ransom:  "I know Kirk through work at Target.  He came to our Oracle Database Team after I had been with the team for a few years.  He's young enough to be my son.  So the young whippersnapper comes to the team.  He's smart, energetic, vigorous, talented, dedicated, energetic, hard-working, energetic.  Energetic. There were times I just rolled my eyes.  But it wasn't long before he gained my respect.  And everyone's.  We saw he could lead, so we let him.

A few years ago, many on our team entered a 10k running race.  Kirk and I ran together much of the way.  Near the end, the young whippersnapper decided he could best me and took off.  But he took off too early and slowly I reeled him back in.  Then he took off again.  Result: Kirk-49:47, Scott-50:07.  So the dern young whippersnapper did best me!  Since then I’ve redoubled my running training, and one way I keep myself motivated is by occasionally emailing the team to inform them of my times and paces for certain key runs.  Kirk ALWAYS responds with an “attaboy” or “good job!”  Little things like that let you know he’s interested…and…cares."

If you want to send your photos, videos, or notes about Kirk, please email us at  If you're comfortable with your post being shared here, please let us know.

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